Hi, my name is Shelley and this is my story.
For some reading this, I reckon it will surprise, perhaps shock but for others, it may bring an Ah-ha moment or a sense of knowing. Of course, many will have heard of Walk-Ins before.
My Soul walked into this body at age 11, peacefully making the Soul exchange during the night. The young Soul happily stepped back into the Light after 11 years of dense 3D living.
Well, I must say, stepping into this heavy body with many issues, plus the dense 3D family situation, was a challenge to be sure. I came in with the veil mostly intact, with very little remembrance of my Multidimensional self or why I was here at this time. The first few years of my earthly life were a huge adjustment, with a lot of my days spent in my room, wondering why I didn’t resonate with my name and pondering where huge chunks of my childhood memories had gone. I felt seriously ‘homesick’, yet I was home, wasn’t I ??? I felt ‘alien’ and different to all around me. I wasn’t interested in ‘human pursuits’ such as getting drunk, smoking, driving or the latest technology. It all felt so foreign to me. Later, I came to realise that these were classic signs of being a Walk-in.
My Mum noticed the 360 degree changes in my personality almost straight away, even though she struggled with her mental health, nervous breakdowns and addiction to Valium during a troubled marriage. Overnight I morphed into a calm, loving daughter who was affectionate and empathic.
My father was a heavy drinker, who abused Mum, though he was careful not to do it in front of us. He was a man who never felt good enough or that he was heard or valued. He was a hard worker, non-talker and football lover. He never believed that I was his child, and in the heavy drinking days, he thought Mum was unfaithful. In later years I came to thank my father for trying to help me release my core issue of rejection!!!! He gave up drinking some time over the years after we left to make a new life.
I started to adjust to a strange world and at the age of 16 years, we made a break for Freedom and left my father and the unhappy childhood home to make a new, blissfully peaceful life, just Mum, my sister and me. Our brother had made his escape earlier and was independent and doing his thing. The 3 of us rented a tiny 2 bedroom upstairs apartment, with the clothes on our backs and a couple of single beds between us. We had no other furniture or household goods, apart from a few kitchen items, pots and pans. We camped out on the floor until Mum could afford to buy some of the basics. I left school in year 10 to help out and got a job.
It was the most blissful life with no violence and I learned that feeling safe and at peace was worth more than all the money or material stuff in the world. Giggle, to this day, I still don’t own a rolling pin for baking, and I am not attached to having all the latest and best material things. They don’t make you happy.
Around this time, due to the peace in my life I guess, a whole new world of experiences opened up for me.
I started to have premonitions around this time. My sister and I shared a room and at night when I was most relaxed, I would find myself out of my body for an instant and in front of a scene, witnessing a future event. I would always relay what I saw to my sister and also my Mum in the morning.
A month to the day, what I had seen happened!!
One of the premonitions included a logging accident in Tasmania, Australia, where I grew up. I was chatting to my sister and then all of a sudden, I found myself in the forest, with a truck laden with logs and I saw a few roll off the truck and crush the legs of a forestry worker. In a split second I was back in bed again and told my sister all the detail that I could remember. Sure enough, a month to the day, we saw a news story about the accident.
About the only time I had a premonition in real time was when my brother was working as night-fill manager at Coles supermarket in his late teens. It was probably around 11pm and I suddenly found myself in the Coles Supermarket carpark where I saw someone breaking into my brother’s pride and joy, his Holden Monaro. It was in the early 1980s, before mobile phones, so by the time I managed to contact him, it was too late and the damage had been done.
Around that time I also started to become aware of knowing when the phone would ring and who was calling, along with strong feelings of empathy. Communicating and sensing spirits and Angels opened up in my life and I definitely had some interesting encounters and adventures in the early 1980s.
A few encounters with spirits occurred before we made our escape, as our childhood home seemed to have a few areas that attracted their presence. A short time before I walked-in to this body, the young soul’s Nan passed away. I guess I had access to cellular memories of some of the childhood happenings, as I certainly remembered a tiny, feisty, white haired lady who taught me to cook. I recalled wonderful times spent with these Grandparents and magical Christmases shared together.
One morning I was in the bathroom and I heard my Nan’s voice saying my name and had a vision of her, standing in front of tall pine trees with her head down reading a bible. She looked so peaceful and this vision was her telling me she was ok, happy and at peace.
Around that time, a cool thing for teenagers to do, was dabble in the Ouija board. My brother, sister and I were quite close and used to spend a lot of time together, jamming and singing and generally hanging out. We used to have fun until Dad came home and the tension started immediately. My brother’s room was very atmospheric, painted a deep purple colour, a compromise, after he wanted to paint it black and the folks said ‘no’. He had a great group of friends that used to hang around quite a lot and it was common to find a couple of extra bodies camped out there in that room. I immediately felt the change in the energies of the bedroom after they had a go with the Ouija board and I am sure my brother had trouble sleeping in there after that session.
My best friend also dabbled in the Ouija board and during a sleep over we put some candles out, sat in a circle with 3 other girls and asked if anyone was present? One of the girls was developing her mediumship gifts at the time and took charge. This was in the late 1970s, so my friend had an Elvis mobile hanging from her ceiling. You could move the guitar, arms and legs of the mobile to give Elvis different poses. We all stared into the candle flame, held hands and waited for something to happen. All appeared quiet, and nothing seemed to happen, so we broke the circle and turned on the lights. To our amazement, the Elvis mobile had totally changed its pose and in the saucer, in candlewax drips were the letters JOK. That stands for Johnny O’Keefe, an Australian rock Legend of the day. We were pretty excited but totally naïve to the potential dangers of inviting spirits into our space!!
The next day we moved down stairs to the games room and decided to have one more session with the board before heading home. We sat in a circle and lit a candle and asked if anyone was there? What happened next was really scary and finally brought home the message…. Stay away from Ouija boards!!! The candle flame flared out and spirits came out of the walls, several of us were touched, including me. We quickly broke the circle and vowed never to try this again.
A friend and I travelled to Melbourne in Victoria, Australia after our final exams in 1980. We stayed with family for 10 days and decided to do a bus tour of historic houses in Melbourne. The visit to Como House opened my senses to some of the true, forgotten gifts that we all have within us. Como House was built in 1847 and was bought in 1864 by the Armytage family who owned the house for nearly a century. It is a magnificent mansion with beautiful gardens.

Heather and I took a guided tour and as we entered the ballroom, the guide’s voice disappeared for me as I saw a beautiful lady playing the grand piano. She was dressed in a stunning satin ball gown and I said to Heather, “Can you see the lady at the piano?’
I wasn’t surprised when she said that no one was at the piano!! She was astonished when I described the lady and her gown in detail.
As we followed the guide into the drawing room next door, our eyes went straight to a portrait over the fireplace of the lady I had just described!!!
From there, the floodgate opened and I was swamped with knowledge of the history of the house, even though I had never been there before, well at least, not in this lifetime.
I saw children running up and down the stairs, laughing and playing in velvet dresses and pantaloons and I made sure I told my friend all that I was seeing and experiencing.
At no stage was I unsure or freaked out by seeing, hearing and sensing spirit that day at Como house.
The sensations were strongest upstairs where I sensed a lady had died there.
I bought a small book on the history of the house and found out that Caroline Armytage and her 7 year old daughter Ethel had died in the house and are said to be friendly resident spirits to this day.
We went outside to enjoy the gardens and extensive grounds and as I looked back toward the house, I saw all past residents standing there on the balcony.
They told me that they would prefer the house to be closed to the public and to be left in peace.
It is an atmospheric place to be sure but not unfriendly and I would love to visit there now, 38 years later, to commune again with the Armytage family.
When I left school in 1980, my first job was in a Bridal Boutique in Hobart, Tasmania, as junior sales assistant in the bridal department.
This job gave me great joy and I became aware that I was utilising one of my spiritual gifts there.
I found that every time I served a bride with the important job of selecting their wedding dress, I knew exactly which dress they would choose!!
Needless to say, I was very quickly promoted to head of the bridal department due to my success in making the bridal party and the owners of the store, very happy.
One day I was helping a bride choose her veil and headpiece and I could feel she was distressed about something.
In this business, you end up spending a lot of time with the customers and often get to know them quite well.
She shared with me that she felt like she couldn’t return to her apartment as there was a strange vibe there all of a sudden.
I mentioned that I had been aware of the presence of spirit for a few years. I offered to go to her home and check out the space and see if I could feel any presence there.
We went together after work and she told me that the feeling was strongest in the bedroom. I asked her to stay in the living room while I went into the bedroom and sat on the bed.
As I sat very quietly, I felt a warm, gentle presence in the room. I felt that the spirit was family and female. I got the sense that she was here for the wedding, only in spirit.
I asked the bride if any of her family had passed recently and she shared that an elderly aunt from England had passed away a few weeks ago, just before she was due to travel over for the wedding.
Ah, mystery solved.
I remember a couple of times before leaving the childhood home, I experienced astral travel. I don’t remember what was going on that day or whether an event or state of mind contributed to it happening,
I guess I don’t have a lot of detail to share, only that I was relaxed, just before sleep, when I found myself separating from my body, joined only by a silver cord attached to my physical body laying on the bed.
I recall floating around my bedroom observing details and looking down at myself. It was a very peaceful experience and naturally, found myself back in my physical body after a short while. I must say I felt at the time, how much more exciting it would be to actually leave the room.
Encountering an Angel is a magical experience and I am sure most people have had an encounter in one form or another.
Over the years, I have been blessed to experience their magical presence in a number of ways.
I have to say the most profound and life changing encounter, totally cemented my belief that Angels do exist and are here to help us in so many ways, even save our lives!!
Though, as 3D humans we have free will to choose, I believe, Angels do step in when there is a life threatening situation and if it is potentially not your time to pass into spirit.
My story began two days after I married my first husband.
It was the 28th of April 1996 in Tasmania and we decided to do a day trip.
We got to the crossroads in Sorrell, an outer suburb of Hobart and my then husband asked if I wanted to go left to Richmond, a lovely historic town or right to Port Arthur on the Tasman Peninsular, a convict build settlement and tourist attraction.
As we waited at the traffic lights, a loud male voice in my head said “DON’T GO TO PORT ARTHUR!”
Ok then, there was no ignoring that voice and its warning!!
I said “Let’s head to Richmond because I just heard a loud voice telling me not to go to Port Arthur.”
We had a lovely day exploring Richmond and as we were coming home we were totally shocked and horrified to hear on the radio that 35 people had been killed by a lone gunman at Port Arthur….. right when we would have been there!!!!
I guess the moral of this story is that guardian Angels do exist.
I have been blessed with seeing, feeling, hearing and smelling the presence of Angels, with my strongest resonance with AA Michael, the protector, who appeared to me as a beautiful purple coloured mist. The joy of seeing him was incredible and he always lets me know when he is around and wants my attention, by the feeling of a feathery touch through my hair on the left side.
AA Raphael appeared beside my bed at 3 am one night after I set the intention of a healing while I slept, as my back and body had been particularly painful that week.
He was a mist of glorious, emerald green light, emanating Love, Light and radiance, bringing ease and wonder to my night
A fun way to commune with Angels is when looking for a parking space or going shopping, I call on my Angel friend Indriel to help.
Even though I have always worked in retail, I am not a keen shopper, so calling on Indriel to come along, always works for me, with a quick, fun and successful shopping trip.
Try it, believe me, it works a treat.
I realise these stories are simplistic and I am sure, most of you reading them are very aware and have your own stories of Angels to tell, but for those who aren’t sure what to believe, books by Doreen Virtue are a great way to start.
Looking back on those early years of pops of awareness and openings, I realised that the Universe was showing me what all of humanity have within them, just forgotten and that 3D life is really about our journey of remembrance.
For me, after the somewhat brief glimpses of my authentic, multidimensional self, life intruded and I got bogged down in unsuccessful relationships, fulltime work and trying to find my way in the 3D world.
My search for the truth of why I felt so different to other humans continued, and it lead me to a space of forgiveness and actively taking my first baby steps along my spiritual path.
I discovered Louise Hay…. ‘You can heal your life’, a book which became my life bible. I imagine this book has helped millions of people starting on their spiritual path, and it truly changed my day-to-day life in amazing ways.
The loving wisdom within this book, lead me to a realisation that to truly move on with my life, forgiving my father was the answer and the best way forward!!
Forgiveness proved to be totally liberating and showed me a way to live from the heart, where all answers lay, just waiting to be discovered.
“ You can heal your life” taught me to flow with gentleness, positivity, and Self-Love but most of all to be open hearted.
Very recently, I realised that positive affirmations flow like a journey toward the ultimate goal….. start gently and follow, step by step to total healing or a perfectly centred open, way of Being.
I walked into this body at age 11, inheriting multiple back issues that shaped my life.
One of my favourite positive affirmations over the years was…..
While this is an amazing affirmation, I now feel that a better one for me is….
This is a step towards being Perfect, Whole and Complete.
I guess, for me it was a huge Ah Ha moment, as I always lived by the joy that positive affirmations brought to my day.
This is a small tweak, but very powerful, because, Now, the affirmation is achievable!!
This little pearl of wisdom came from reading Abraham-Hicks and while not all of the teachings resonate totally with me, so much of it, brought about new concepts and tweaks to what I have learned on this pathway to Ascension.
Along with my acceptance that I had a slightly different start to this 3D life, came the nudge to find out all I could about Walk-ins.
A huge turning point on my journey came about while I was at work one day.
The previous night I had been reading a little book that had a simple chapter about Walk-ins.
I was working for a charity at the time, managing a retro/ vintage shop within the charity. The shop was in an area with lots of crime, violence, drug and alcohol issues and a large number of street people with mental health challenges.
Peppered, of course with some truly lovely, genuine, light filled people, who loved retro treasures and flocked to the welcoming, love energies of the shop.
I knew very strongly that what I did here for the needy and volunteers, was part of my souls life plan.
The shop quickly became known as a place where all was welcome, and I became friends with people from all walks of life.
Some days it was a challenge and this particular day started me off on a deeper, different fork on the road and planted the seeds for further growth and openings.
The shop was quite busy that afternoon and I noticed a customer who had mental health challenges and was sometimes quite unbalanced, come in.
She looked a little wild eyed and I sensed she may be extra unstable that day.
She was uncomfortable with so many customers around and started yelling that everyone was staring at her.
She came to the counter and said to me that I was an Angel and that I belonged in heaven! I must say, I thought to myself that I wasn’t ready for heaven just yet and managed to gently guide her out of the shop as she honed in on a particular lovely lady, yelling at her as she left the shop.
I went over to the lady and asked if she was ok and to apologise for the verbal attack.
She was more concerned about how I was and gave me a hug, whispering in my ear….
That was the beginning of a time of wonder and sometimes bafflement, as Ashi encouraged me to open up to a whole higher dimensional world, that at times, looking back now, was a bit advanced for my stage of awakening/ remembering.
Ashi was a Walk-in as well and recognised me as one too. She was 60 at the time we met.
Around 12 years ago I had no conscious awareness of my Higher Aspects or Sparks of my Over Soul, and she introduced me to my 6th dimensional Solar Aspect called Soleil.
She shared with me that I was a child of the Central Sun and her spiritual daughter.
This belief of me being her daughter, was the catalyst of our growing apart after a few years. It became clear to me, as my awareness of BE-ing in my Heart Space grew, that Ashi didn’t always come from a space of Love. She became a bit possessive of me and tried to come between my Mum and I. She moved away and we lost contact, but I am ever grateful for all that she shared with me and so much of what I learned, has been re-visited in last 6 years.
I tried to find her last year, but it wasn’t in my Divine Plan to meet again at this stage.
I really hope she is well and has found Love and balance in her life, as she was truly one of my greatest teachers so far on this spiritual journey.
As I stand here in this NOW, I realise that 3D life is about REMEMBERING, and that we are our own MASTERS.